Moving from the city to the village is one pain in the ass very few people can stand.

For sure you will walk from sunrise to sunset hoping to meet an equivalent of Mumbi and Cheroo but alas!At this moment it compels you to console yourself with Octopizzo's words,"hata manzi wa ghetto(in this case mashambani)akipaka salad na adunge leggings na gladiators bado ataslay".

Truth be told there's an aspect of ugliness we boys detect in the local home girls when we return from the city.

It takes alot if transitions though to adapt the village hood.
From Hennessy to local keg,
From free wifi to lipa mdogo mdogo(Infact at this point life sucks with Safaricom's lipa mdogo mdogo,they try play a game of MATH with our airtime).

Next,if you manage a Jameson while in the village my friend try and ensure that bottle never runs empty.

Finally,you boll on your first few days upon return from the city,then the next transition is activated,"Broke Nigga"

This is a transition you camouflage at your own risk.(ukisota sotekaa).Simply because your village buddies never comprehend the word "lack".They believe you always have whatever,wherever,if you don't comply then officially you are STINGY.

So far that's how Tobbey and I have faired with the village life,,,until later.
